Ask Buck: What is your philosophy of ministry?

My philosophy of ministry is rooted in my deep love for God, His Word, His people, and His Church. As I grow in Christ and better understand my Creator, His purpose for me, and the world around me, I expect my philosophy to evolve. My primary goal in serving the Lord is to utilize my spiritual gifts to edify and encourage the body of Christ.

I believe I can best serve as a pastor, focusing on discipleship, teaching, and pastoral care. My aim is to teach and live out God’s Word so that those I interact with will grow in spiritual maturity and be equipped for ministry. I hold the Bible as the ultimate authority on matters of life and faith, and I see prayer as essential for maintaining a right relationship with God.

While evangelism isn’t my primary gift, I’m passionate about helping others know Christ. I believe in the power of one-on-one discipleship to bring people to maturity in Christ, and I’m committed to equipping others to disciple as well. Pastoral care is a crucial aspect of my ministry, requiring love, forgiveness, confrontation when necessary, and comfort.

I strive to focus on my strengths in discipleship and pastoral care to be as effective as possible in the Body of Christ. I have a deep love for the Church and see its main purposes as evangelism, equipping, and edification. I’m committed to fostering renewal and restoration within the Church and encouraging this in my family as well.

Ultimately, I want to help train, equip, empower, and release people to move boldly in their gifts, becoming disciples who make disciples. My vision is to serve in a church where people regularly experience God through His Word and Spirit, emphasizing authentic discipleship and obedience to God’s leading.